Yousef Al Otaiba, the United Arab Emirates’ Ambassador to the United States, his wife Abeer, Children’s National Medical Center CEO Dr. Kurt Newman, Amy Baier and her husband, Bret Baier, Fox News Channel anchor (Photo: Children’s National Health System).
All photographs courtesy Children’s National Health System.
NORTHWEST -- The phrase 'anything for the children' took on a whole new meaning on Friday evening, with the 2014 Children's Ball benefiting
Children's National Medical Center raising an incredible $10,734,300.

The black tie/white dress-preferred benefit was the organization's most successful fundraiser to date and, even more amazingly in a town awash in charitable donations, one of the largest ever held in Washington, D.C.

Co-chaired by United Arab Emirates
Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba, his wife
Abeer Al Otaiba and
Amy and Bret Baier, this year's elegant affair was held inside the ballroom of
The Ritz-Carlton, Washington D.C. and boasted an uplifting 'Dream A Little Dream' theme.

Dreams quickly morphed into reality, however, thanks to the generosity of a who's who list of both corporate and philanthropic sponsors, including Boeing, ExxonMobil, Lexus, Coca-Cola, Fox News, and too many D.C. notables to mention.

No (donated) expense was spared in securing Friday's record-breaking charitable haul and that extended to the night's gourmet menu and star-studded entertainment program. Chefs
Wolfgang Puck and
Nobu Matsuhisa created a collaborative culinary journey together specifically for the occasion, which was perhaps only overshadowed by GRAMMY Award winner
Jennifer Hudson's spellbinding 30 minute live performance set.

Star power aside, the real reality of the situation is that both the Baiers and the Al Otaibas have witnessed firsthand the work of Children's National, with both couples' kids having been treated by the organization.

To show their gratitude for the care received, their support for this year's Children's Ball was a no brainer. And the results speak for themselves.

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