Baltimore Ravens Center Matt Birk is flanked by Hugo Boss models sporting the latest spring styles.
MAZZA GALLERIE -- As the prevailing wisdom goes, there’s never been a better time to be a man who cares about style. Reinforcing this viewpoint, German fashion house
Hugo Boss hosted a special ‘cocktails and conversation’ reception for Washingtonians on Thursday evening at the
Mazza Gallerie location of luxury department store
Neiman Marcus.

Men’s Health Magazine Fashion Director
Brian Boye serving as de facto emcee and
Baltimore Ravens Center
Matt Birk the event’s guest of honor, attendees were treated to a rare stylish soiree that was unabashedly all about men.
Fiola’s Jeff Faile and Maria Trabocchi.
After everyone had a chance to pick-up a craft cocktail (Manhattans) courtesy of mixologist
Jeff Faile from Penn Quarter’s award-winning
Fiola and savor an oyster or two, Neiman Vice President and General Manager
Martha Slagle proceeded to welcome both Boye and Birk.
Birk signed glossy photographs for guests after speaking.

For the next thirty or so minutes, the spotlight was squarely trained on 2012’s
Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year, with Boye and audience members alike questioning the NFLer about everything from his favorite restaurants to his exercise regimen to his commitment to the fight against illiteracy.
Men’s Health Magazine Fashion Director Brian Boye chats with readers.
All the while, a handful of models could be spotted mingling about the crowd fully outfitted in the latest designer pieces from Hugo Boss’ new Spring Collection, which embrace everything from lighter fabrics to a new palette of colors.

After all, being a man about town like Birk or Boye, means dressing the part too.